About Roll Two 1 to 12

The goal of this game is to turn over your 1-12 cards by matching the individual or combined numbers rolled on the dice to your cards.

Game Materials

Two Numbers Cards, 2 dice, Directions

What's the math in this game?

To combine their dice numbers, encourage children to “count on” from the larger rolled number. For example, if a player rolls 6 and 2, start from 6 and count on: “6…7, 8!” When children are ready for an extra challenge, have them play this game in small groups without an adult.

Download Directions for Roll Two 1 to 12

 English EN

 Português PT

 Español ES

You can play these games with a deck of cards or a game board. Print and cut out the deck of cards or print and play on a game board.

Related Resources

Watch a Video!

Play Video
Roll Two (Two Numbers 1-12)(English)
Play Video
Roll Two 1-12 (Spanish)
Play Video
Roll Two 1-12 (Portuguese)

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